When I can't decide what wallpaper to use
If you can't decide on a single wallpaper for your i3 setup, why not use all? Two options come to mind:
- Show all wallpapers at the same time in tiles (chaotic, unpractical, but now i kinda want a script to do this)
- Hack together a slideshow script
I chose option 2, and i kinda wanted it random (also saves the hassle to preserve a state), and quickly came up with this
feh --bg-scale $WALLPAPER_DIR/$(ls $WALLPAPER_DIR | sort -R | tail -n 1)
I made this a shell alias so i can rotate the wallpaper quickly if I'm not in the mood for the current one and went on to the slideshow part
watch -n 1800 'bash -c "feh --bg-scale $WALLPAPER_DIR/$(ls $WALLPAPER_DIR | sort -R | tail -n 1)"'
Finally add it to your i3 config with an exec and you're good to go :)